Nutrition & Transportation
ADRC Specialists can help you find nutrition and transportation resources that can help you to have meal options and transportation to doctors appointments, errands and to help keep you active in the community.
Eating Well
Let us help you find answers in locating one of the number of meal sites available across the Northwoods, or helping someone who is home-bound get signed up for a healthy, delivered meal if within the service area. For those in our more remote areas, we can assist in finding help as well with mail delivery services that accommodate your need.
The Elderly Nutrition Program
Is a program funded by Federal Older Americans Act Dollars, State grants and participant donations. The purpose of the Elderly Nutrition Program is to reduce hunger and food insecurity, to promote socialization and to encourage the health and well-being of older adults here in the Northwoods. There are no income requirements so everyone age 60 and older is welcome to participate.
Congregate Meals and Home Delivered Meals provide balanced, delicious, and nutricious meals to older adults to prevent malnutrition and promote good eating behaviors. Many older adults do not get adequate nutrition, which can impact health conditions and overall quality of life.
Congregate Meals: Meals served at dining sites throughout Forest and Taylor Counties open to anyone age 60 or older and their spouse.
Home Delivered Meals
Meals delivered by volunteers to homebound seniors (homebound due to health reasons or are physically or emotionally unable to attend local Senior Dining Sites) and meet eligibilty requirements.
Click on and open up the links to dining sites and home delivered meal options for each of the counties that are served by the ADRC of the Northwoods or call one of our ADRC specialists today to find out more details!
Forest County Taylor County
Mail Order Options
Food Pantries
Local Food Pantries in Forest County
New Hope Food Pantry & Shelter
601 N. Summit Ave., Crandon
Monday 11am - 1pm
Wednesday 11am - 1pm
Friday 5pm - 7pm
Don and Teleka Dewing 715-478-2677
Richard Jensen 715-784.0250
Newcap, INC
212 N. Lake Ave, Crandon
Monday - Thursday 8am - 4:30pm (closed for lunch 12pm - 12:30pm
Closed on Fridays
Armstrong Creek Food Pantry
543 US Hwy 8, Armstrong
1st Monday of each month 9:00am - 11:00am
Local Food Pantry in Taylor County
Ruby's Pantry Food Distribution
Ruby's is a uniquely designed food distibution center that is available to everyone. There are no income or location limitations. Everyone receives the same amount of nutricious, good quality food. Each share is $20 (only cash is accepted). Please bring two boxes or laundry baskets for each share you purchase. For more information look on the Ruby's Pantry website:
**There are many free food pantries located in Forest and Taylor, and Counties. Please contact the ADRC of the Northwoods for your local food pantry information. 715-478-2015
Going Places
Regardless of your location, you have options for getting around when you need to. Local services include volunteers, commercial transportation, and wheelchair-accessible vehicles. Let us know your needs, and we can keep you moving!
Click on the links below to see the transportation resources in your county for medical appointments, errands, and other transportation needs.
Forest County Taylor County
For more information on programs and services in your area contact the ADRC of the Northwoods at 715-478-2015