Money Matters ADRC Specialists can assist persons with a wide variety of benefits and programs that focus on relieving financial stress. We provide information and help determine if customer qualify. We will assist in connecting people to appropriate benefits and explain how to apply. We also work closely with Elder Benefit Specialists (EBS) and Disability Benefit Specialists (DBS) who specialize in these programs and refer more complicated matters to them. Many of the benefit issues which seniors and adults with disabilities face are very complex. A Benefit Specialist assess the situation, provides unbaised information and give customers options so they are able to make an informed choice. An EBS serves customers 60 and older and a DBS serves those who are 18 to 59. For information on programs, resources, or applying for services contact the ADRC of the Northwoods at 715-478-2015 Some examples of benefits available are explained below: Publicly-Funded Benefits Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) The Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) provides assistance for heating costs, electric costs, and energy crisis situations. Operating with federal and state funding, the program provides assistance to approximately 230,000 Wisconsin households annually. Most types of fuel are eligible to receive assistance. Whether you use wood, propane, natural gas, electricity, or fuel oil to heat your home, energy assistance is available if you qualify. Wisconsin Weatherization Program To qualify for the Wisconsin Weatherization Program you must first Apply for Energy Assistance at your local Wisconsin Heating Energy Assistance Agency or WHEAP agency. This is the FIRST STEP in determining your eligibility for weatherization services. Click on the Where to Apply and select your county to find out where to apply. Foodshare FoodShare Wisconsin helps low-income families and individuals to buy nutritious food. If you want to find out if you can get FoodShare benefits, you need to apply with your agency. You can apply: 1) Online at access.wi.gov and click on "Apply for Benefits." This will let you submit an application to your agency. 2) By calling your local Income Maintenance Consortium: Forest and Taylor Counties 888-794-5722 3) Going to your agency in-person. SeniorCare SeniorCare is a prescription drug assistance program for Wisconsin residents who are 65 years of age or older who meet the enrollment rules. The program is designed to help seniors with their prescription drug costs. Those interested may apply at any time. However, your application will not be accepted if you apply earlier than the calendar month before your 65th birthday. This program can take the place of a Medicare Part D Plan. Click here for Senior Care Application. Medicare Savings Programs You can get help from your state paying your Medicare premiums. In some cases, Medicare Savings Programs may also pay Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments if you meet certain conditions. Wisconsin Medicaid Purchase Plan (MAPP) The Medicaid Purchase Plan offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Depending on an individual's income, a premium payment may be required for this health care coverage. Click here to view the MAPP Consumer Guide. Taxes The ADRC of the Northwoods can direct you to resources to help complete your yearly taxes and assist with the Homestead Tax Credit, for those who are eligible. Homestead Tax Credit If you meet all of the qualifications, you must complete a Wisconsin Homestead Tax Credit Claim, Schedule H or Schedule H-EZ, to determine the amount of any benefit available. Please note that you may meet all of the qualifications but still not receive a credit because the credit is based on the relationship of your household income to the amount of your allowable property taxes and/or rent. If you do qualify for a credit, you must submit a copy of your 2018 property tax bill (if you owned and occupied your home) or an original rent certificate signed by your landlord (if you rented your home) along with your Schedule H or H-EZ. The filing deadline for a 2018 claim is April 15, 2019, for most claimants. Do not file your 2018 Schedule H or H-EZ before January 1, 2019. Long-Term Care Options Tell Me More About Enrolling in Publicly Funded Long-Term Care Programs Family Care Family Care is a long-term care program which helps frail elders and adults with disabilities get the services they need to remain in their homes. This comprehensive and flexible program offers services to foster independence and quality of life for members, while recognizing the need for interdependence and support. For more information, click on the Tell me more about Family Care link below: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/p0/p00088d.pdf IRIS The IRIS Program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver for self-directed long-term supports. The program is an option for adults with long term care needs. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Long Term Care (DLTC), Office of IRIS Management under the authorization of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is responsible for oversight of the IRIS program. IRIS is available to Wisconsin residents determined financially eligible for Medicaid, functionally in need of nursing home or Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) level of care; and living in a county where managed long-term care and IRIS are available. For more information, click on the Tell me more about IRIS link below: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/p0/p00088m.pdf People who are determined eligible for long term care will have the choice of either IRIS or Family Care. To check if you or your loved one meets the eligibility criteria for COP Services contact the ADRC of the Northwoods at 800-699-6704.
Social Security Administration This section is dedicated to information and tools for when you are applying through the Social Security Administration whether you are considering retirement or applying for disability benefits. Preparing for or Considering Retirement The Social Security site www.ssa.gov has a number of tools to help you plan for retirement and/or decide when to start taking social security benefits. When can I/should I apply: Individuals can apply to social security for retirement benefits as early as age 62 or wait as long as age 70. What age you take benefits is an important consideration as benefits are reduced if taken before your "full retirement age". Working while taking benefits is also a consideration. Go the the SSA page How to Apply Online to get answers to these and may other questions. Considering Applying for Disability Benefits Social Security is complicated and when you are in a stressful situation and considering applying due to a disability it can be very overwhelming. Local Social Security Administration staff help individuals apply for benefits and answer questions about forms and required information. The Social Security Administration website has the tools you need to apply on-line and is full of information. Disability Benefit Specialists (DBS) are specifically trained to understand government benefits. DBS are not attorneys, so they cannot give legal advice. They are available to assist when the social security application process is more complicated than normal. For example when persons are asked to fill out additional forms or when persons are denied a benefit and need help understanding the denial and their next steps if any. Disability Benefit Specialists work with Social Security Administration staff to help persons understand the process and what they need to do to apply. This webpage is meant to give you the information you need to make the application process easier to understand and help guide you through the steps. What types of benefits are available? There are two types of benefits available through the Social Security Administration (SSA):